China’s foreign ministry said Wednesday that the government has asked some US media news agencies to submit information about their operations in China.

Associated Press, National Public Radio, CBS and United Press International were asked to submit the requested information in writing within seven days, ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said.

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The United States and China have been engaged in a series of retaliatory actions involving journalists in recent months, amid tensions over the coronavirus pandemic.

In March, China expelled 13 journalists from the New York Times, Wall Street Journal and Washington Post. Beijing said the move was a response to Washington’s actions.

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In February, due to propaganda concerns, the US designated as foreign missions five Chinese state media organizations – the Xinhua news agency, the China Global Television Network, China Radio International, the distributors of the official People’s Daily and English-language China Daily.

In June, the US said it would start treating another four major Chinese media outlets as foreign embassies.


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