A United Kingdom report found that Russia tried to influence the result of the Scottish independence referendum, British media reported.

A 50-page report on Russian influence in politics by the British parliament’s intelligence and security committee has reportedly found that Russia tried to divide the UK in 2014 and that it was “the first post-Soviet interference in a Western democratic election”.

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The report also called for “immediate action” to tackle Russian activity in the UK, saying the government was “playing catch-up” after failing to act sooner.

After the report was published, foreign secretary Dominic Raab tweeted: “We’ve been clear that Russia must desist from its attacks on the UK and our allies.

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Last week, the UK said that “Russian actors” had tried to interfere in its 2019 general election by amplifying online “illicitly acquired and leaked government documents”.

Britain also joined the United States and Canada in accusing Russia of trying to steal information from organisations developing coronavirus vaccines.


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