China is about to grab the sea route around the southern tip of Africa.

China is upgrading harbors, airports and roads in the RSA and Namibia.

China is building huge barracks at Keetmanshoop, Karibib and Grootfontein and in the RSA, stocked with Chinese military vehicles and equipment.

Infrastructure and logistics are in place for forces of occupation. Covid has given our government the excuse to have more Chinese soldiers.

China built an electric power station in Botswana. They are building another at Messina in SA near the Zimbabwean border.

All towns in South Africa and Namibia have Chinese shops, run by (probably) trained Chinese operatives.

China has persuaded our government to seize our farms and homes without compensation in communist style. Farm attacks are causing farms to lie desolate, ready for Chinese to do things unseen.

China has bought our government and essential mineral resources and aims to procure Canadian and Australian uranium mines.

75% of the work force in the mines and construction in Namibia are Chinese while our laborers are unemployed. Chinese laborers work 12-hour hot-bed shifts for a meager salary. Some are said to serve prison sentences in this way. There are more Chinese in Namibia than Germans.

The Chinese do not open bank accounts and pay no taxes. They export cash illegally. China can buy up shares cheaply worldwide.

In Namibia and the RSA they are stirring up ethnic violence between tribes and rebellion against the presidents.

Once China has bought the RSA and Namibia it may legally place the countries under administration to protect its financial interests from our kleptocrat governments. We would have no legal recourse. The UN or USA could not legally step in to help.

The Zimbabwean president has sold his country to Putin. Russia and China are competing for control of Southern Africa. Who is going to grab the bone while the dogs are fighting over it?

China is about to grab the sea route around the southern tip of Africa. To close Suez and the Panama Canal would be easy for them. This would isolate American ships in the oceans where they are now.

South Africa is strategically placed. This is the reason why the Netherlands started a supply station at the most southern harbor of Africa, the Cape of Good Hope, for their ships in 1652 and England took the Cape from them in 1806 after Wellington beat Napoleon, making Dutch possessions a spoil of war. England built Simon’s Town.

Without the harbors of Walvis Bay in Namibia, Cape Town, Simon’s Town, Mossel bay, Port Elizabeth, East London, Durban, Richards Bay and Maputo in Mozambique the USA navy will be contained and left without drydocks and fresh supplies around southern Africa. Cape Town has always had strong pilot ships to help ships in trouble around the Cape of Storms, the old name of Cape Town.

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China is upgrading the harbor at Walvis Bay and the airport near Windhoek, the capital of Namibia. Satellites will be able to see what they are doing in harbors around the coast of Africa including Maputo in Mozambique.

The South African airline SAA, that was one of the best in the world before 1994, has been bankrupted. China may buy it and take over all our airports and airfields. Chinese air bases in Namibia, Botswana and South Africa would control our air space. In 2010 Chinese pilots were flying Migs at the air force base in Grootfontein in Namibia. At Beaufort-West Chinese pilots are being trained to local conditions. They will be able to take Arial photographs of any place in South Africa or its neighbors.

The Leopard Valley army base south of Windhoek has been stocked with Chinese military vehicles of the type needed to suppress internal resistance. Veterans of the mechanized forces of South Africa can testify to this. Huge barracks have been constructed at Keetmanshoop in the south, Karibib between Windhoek and Swakopmund and Grootfontein in the north east on the way to Rundu. One of these is large enough to house the whole Namibian army, so they are not intended to be used by the current government of Namibia.

The whole infrastructure and logistics have been put in place. All China has to do is fly in or ship in their forces of occupation.

The Caprivi strip of land was bought in the 19th century to connect Namibia (German South West Africa) with Maputo (Lourenço Marques.) on the Indian Ocean. It is a simple matter to take the land in between from Botswana, Zambia, and Zimbabwe to control access between the Atlantic and the Indian Ocean.

China is upgrading the road connecting Walvis Bay and Windhoek with Rundu on the Angolan border and Katima Mulilo at the end of the Caprivi strip. This was a military strategic road built by South Africa during our Bush War against Cuba and Russia in Angola in the 1970s. At Katima Mulilo three countries join near the Victoria Falls.

There is not a town in South Africa or Namibia without Chinese shops, run by trained Chinese operatives who have scouted out the land for decades. Outside Pretoria is even a huge Buddhist temple. Twenty three police stations are already being manned by Chinese in the RSA.

China has persuaded our government to seize our farms and homes without compensation in true communist style. When our government has done this dirty work for them, they can step in and take over. Farm attacks are causing large farms to lie desolate, ready for Chinese to do whatever they want. They may be building barracks as in Namibia.

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Covid 19 has given our government the excuse to have more Chinese trained soldiers to patrol for lockdown transgressors. The army and police are everywhere in the RSA in our streets already.

The South African railways has almost come to a stop because our government cannot manage any infrastructure. Many lines are dead because the rails have been sold as scrap metal. They may however be rebuilt. China can buy the railways. Our steel factory Iscor at Pretoria has been bought by an Indian billionaire.

China has bought out our government, our operational mines for uranium, chrome, aluminum, gold, and other essential mineral resources. Near Messina near the Zimbabwean border with South Africa a Chinese town is being built for workers for a mine, chrome and steelmaking factory and industries. The mines in Namibia and South Africa pay no taxes because China does not buy uranium at the international price but at a daily price that will ensure that the mines are bankrupt and working at a loss.

China is attempting to procure Canadian and Australian uranium mines so that it will have sole recourse to uranium on earth

China built an electric power station in the east of Botswana near the border with South Africa several years ago. It is non-operational, waiting for China to take over. In South Africa, our president Ramaphosa was in charge of Eskom for five years during which time it was stolen empty. It is bankrupt, not always functional and has to shut down electricity supply to areas in rotation. This is called “load shedding” and paralyses business. The coal supply to the power stations has been given to racially selected companies who are not efficient. Chinese loans could buy our sole supplier of electricity. They are building a Chinese town near Messina near the SA/Zim. border for their workers and a power station, mine, steel and chrome making factory and industries.

75% or more of the work force in the mines and construction works are Chinese while the laborers of South Africa and Namibia are unemployed. This creates a dissatisfied class that will lead to rebellion. South Africans who wish to work in Namibia have to undergo stringent skills tests every two years before they can obtain work permits for Namibia, but unskilled Chinese are just shipped in via Walvis Bay.

Namibian unions have already complained to President Hagee Geingob that projects are assigned to China. Chinese laborers work on 12-hour hot bed shifts for a meager salary. Tenders are allocated to China because China quotes millions less than Namibians can afford. Tenders are obtained illegally and last week one was revoked by the High Court in Namibia.

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The Chinese do not open bank accounts and pay no taxes. Namibians guess that cash is exported illegally. The Namibian and South African governments have received huge loans from China and naively boast of their good relations with China. Many students from both countries study in China. This started when China trained young people from Namibia during the war between South Africa and SWAPO, whose ally was Cuba, a front for Russia. This plan was called PLAN.

There are currently more Chinese in Namibia than German speaking people.

In Namibia and the RSA, they are stirring up ethnic violence between tribes and rebellion against the presidents. In Namibia there is resistance from ten or more tribes against the Ovambo people, who are mainly SWAPO. The Ovambo tribes, at least 7 of them, live on both sides of the Namibia/Angolan border. Since the 1990 Independence Ovambos have developed their own tribal area north of the Etosha game reserve and taken over all government posts in all tribal areas in the whole of Namibia. The current president is a Damara, a tribe traditionally repressed by the Ovambo. SWAPO itself is divided and in South Africa the ANC is split into four or more factions. Both SWAPO and the ANC were classified as terrorist groups by America before they won the one man one vote elections. Mandela was also recognized by the USA as a terrorist, not a political dissident.

In Namibia and South Africa kleptocrats rule. Corruption and wholescale theft of electrical supply companies like ESCOM and other government institutions weaken the countries and leave them vulnerable before China who pumps in more money by the billions.

Now that the Johannesburg Stock Exchange has fallen low China can buy up shares cheaply. They may do this worldwide to enlarge their grip on world economy.

President Ramaphosa visits China repeatedly and makes deals that compromise our country but refuses to be transparent about the implications and consequences. He receives billions from China.

China is about to take over South Africa for the legitimate legal reason that China has to protect its property and funding by putting the whole country under “administration”. We would have no legal recourse against them. The UN PEACE CORPS or USA could not legally step in to stop China. The same is true for Namibia.

The Zimbabwean president has sold his country department by department to Putin. A video was made of the event.

Russia and China are competing for control of Southern Africa. Who is going to grab the bone while the dogs are fighting over it?


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