Cyprus has most higher education graduates per capita in the EU - Report

report published by the Statistical Service in Cyprus, found that the country records the most higher education graduates per head of population in the European Union. 

With 58.2% of people aged 30-34 having higher education qualifications, Cyprus has surpassed the 40% target set by the EU, followed by Lithuania, with 57.6%, Luxembourg with 56.5% and Ireland, 55.5%.

When it comes to younger ages (20-24 years), Cyprus has the fourth highest percentage of young people with highest educational attainment at least upper secondary education, the report reads.

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“Cyprus has a booming education sector, and as seen in the government’s overall strategic
programme, the main Higher Education policy objectives are focusing on establishing
Cyprus as a regional hub for education and research,” commented George Campanellas, CEO of Invest Cyprus.

Competing with the 28 member states, the country has ranked fourth in terms of government spending in the field of education as a percentage of GDP. Sweden tops the list of public expenditure on education, followed by Finland and Belgium, according to the report.

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“In Cyprus, developing human talent, alongside a broad range of professional services, is a
key plank in the national strategy to attract businesses to build European headquarters on
the island. A number of tech companies have either relocated or expanded in Cyprus,
reflecting Cyprus’s rapidly growing start-up ecosystem,” Campanellas added.

The report that was published on Monday, measures the country’s progress in meeting the objectives for “Europe 2020”, namely EU’s ten-year jobs and growth strategy.


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