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Looks like Lady Antebellum’s latest attempt to change its name to Lady A has hit a real bum note.

On Wednesday, the country trio filed a lawsuit in Nashville, Tennessee, in order get the court to recognize its rights to the name “Lady A,” which it claims has been a band trademark for more than 10 years, according to Billboard.com.

Problem is, 61-year-old blues singer Anita White has been performing as “Lady A” for more than two decades and wasn’t too pleased when she learned about the country band’s proposed name change last month.

Lady Antebellum announced that it would no longer include “antebellum” in its name because of the word is commonly used to refer to the slave-holding South before the Civil War.

One day after the group announced its change, White expressed shock that she might be losing her good name.

“They’re using the name because of a Black Lives Matter incident that, for them, is just a moment in time,” White told Rolling Stone. “If it mattered, it would have mattered to them before. It shouldn’t have taken George Floyd to die for them to realize that their name had a slave reference to it.”

“Today we are sad to share that our sincere hope to join together with Anita White in unity and common purpose has ended,” the band said in a statement. “She and her team have demanded a $10 million payment, so reluctantly we have come to the conclusion that we need to ask a court to affirm our right to continue to use the name Lady A, a trademark we have held for many years.” 

The band is not asking for any money, just a court declaration that it lawfully holds the Lady A trademark and that it does not infringe on any rights White may have under state or federal law, according to Billboard.

Los Angeles-based attorney Jane Shay Wald said that a person doesn’t have to register a trademark to have one. “A trademark comes after the fact,” she told HuffPost. “It’s like a birth certificate ― you don’t get one unless you’re born.”

Still, since Lady Antebellum claims it has had a registered trademark for the Lady A name for a decade, it’s possible that a court might restrict White’s use of the moniker to places where she’s established herself, such as the Pacific Northwest.

Johnston speculated that the two sides could still work out an agreement. “If there isn’t a likelihood of confusion, the two names can coexist,” he said. 


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