Mayor Tied To Truck, Dragged In Street For Failing To Fulfill Campaign Promises

A group of protesters on Wednesday tied the Mayor of Las Margaritas to the back of a pickup truck and dragged him through the streets, for failing to fulfill his election promises.

A local outlet, El Heraldo de Mexico, has reported that the protesters, armed with clubs and rocks, dragged Mayor Jorge Hernandez in Chiapas in southern Mexico.

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It said Hernandez continued to be dragged until the police stopped the Toyota pickup he was tied to and freed him.

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It added that the Mayor sustained minor, non-life-threatening injuries, and even gave a speech several hours after the incident.

According to the media Outlet, Hernandez was forcibly taken from his office by the angry residents, who accused him of failing to fulfill his election promises.

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The promises included the reconstruction of a local road, and bringing drinking water and electricity to the community of roughly 500.

Municipal authorities have accused the mob of attempted kidnapping, and at least 30 people were detained, with 20 injured.


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