The leader of Poland’s ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party Jarosław Kaczynski on Sunday announced that the government will soon introduce rules to limit the concentration of foreign-owned media outlets in the country.

“We will manage to do this much faster, at least on the legislative level, but this process’ success is tied to many changes that we have to bring about in our country as well as international relationships”, Kaczynski said when asked whether PiS would propose media reforms before the end of its current term. He added that “there are discussions on the matter”.

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During Poland’s recent presidential election, president Andrzej Duda and other PiS allies slammed foreign-owned news outlets that criticised the government.

PiS has repeatedly stressed that foreign-owned media outlets have meddled in Poland’s affairs and that Polish-owned media should have a stronger place. It said however, that any new law would have to adhere to EU rules.


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