Russian President Vladimir Putin has marked the anniversary of the defeat of Nazi Germany in the Second World War, in a ceremony shorn of its usual military parade and pomp by the coronavirus pandemic.

Mr Putin laid flowers at the tomb of the unknown soldier outside the Kremlin walls in Moscow and gave a short address honouring the valour and suffering of the Soviet army during the war.

Victory Day is Russia’s most important secular holiday and this year’s observance had been expected to be especially large because it is the 75th anniversary, but the Red Square military parade and a mass procession called the Immortal Regiment were postponed as part of measures to stifle the spread of the virus.

The only vestige of the conventional show of military might was a flyover of central Moscow by 75 warplanes and helicopters.

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The ceremony was the first public appearance in about a month for Mr Putin, who has worked remotely as the virus took hold.

In his speech, he did not mention the virus — Russia has nearly 200,000 confirmed cases — or how its spread had blocked the observances that were to be a prestige project for him, but he promised that full commemorations would take place.

“We will, as usual, widely and solemnly mark the anniversary date, do it with dignity, as our duty to those who have suffered, achieved and accomplished the victory tells us,” he said.

“There will be our main parade on Red Square, and the national march of the Immortal Regiment — the march of our grateful memory and inextricable, vital, living communication between generations.”

The sharply reduced observances this year left a hole in Russia’s civic and emotional calendar. The war, in which the Soviet Union lost an estimated 26 million people including 8.5 million soldiers, has become a fundamental piece of Russian national identity.

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Beyond the stern formalities of the Red Square military parade and smaller parades in other cities, Russians in recent years have turned out in huge numbers for the Immortal Regiment processions, when civilians crowd the streets displaying photographs of relatives who died in the war or endured it.

Russian officials routinely bristle at criticism of the Red Army’s actions in the war, denouncing the comments as attempts to “rewrite history”.

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An online substitute for the processions was taking place and many people were expected to display relatives’ photos from their balconies and windows in the evening.

In one of the final events of the VE Day commemoration in western Europe, which took place a day earlier, Berlin’s landmark Brandenburg Gate was illuminated late on Friday.

The words “Thank You” against a blue backdrop were projected on to the monument in Russian, English, French and German.

Earlier in the day German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier described May 8 as the day Germany was also “liberated” from Nazi dictatorship.



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