Sziget Festival Attendees Defend Coca Cola's Love Is Love Campaign In Hungary

‘Love is love’ seems to be a fairly innocuous statement. But the slogan for Coca Cola’s advertisement campaign, which features images of gay people smiling, has upset some right-wing politicians in Hungary – to the point where one MP declared he was boycotting Coca Cola’s products until the posters were taken down.

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The campaign is present this summer at Sziget festival near Budapest, one of Europe’s top music festivals. So attendees was asked what they thought of the furore.

Viktoria puts it bluntly: “If everyone cares about their own business then there were not even a scandal about these posters.”

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Anette says Coca Cola has not made a scandal – the scandal is instead the reaction of some Hungarians. “It’s already really lame that it is counted as an issue,” she says.

Another festival goer says he likes the advertisement campaign, and that people should “be able to live their lives how they want to”.

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Overall, the #LoveIsLove campaign got a resounding thumbs up from the international audience of music lovers at Sziget.


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