Trump Not Listed Among US Delegation To World Summit In Davos

The United States has released a list of members of its presidential delegation to the World Economic Forum on Wednesday, amid speculation as to whether President Donald Trump would attend the annual event in Davos later this month.

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin is listed as the leader of the delegation in the statement from the White House.

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In spite of the absence of Mr Trump’s name on the release, the U.S. media, including CNN, said that Mr Trump was in fact expected to go, citing unnamed officials.

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Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer, and Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner are among the members of the group to travel to Switzerland.

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Mr Trump did not attend last year’s event due to a government shutdown in Washington, and there has been speculation as to whether he could skip this year’s forum due to impeachment proceedings in Washington.

The forum, to mark its 50th annual meeting on January 21 – 24, would gather world leaders to discuss policymaking.

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A major topic on the agenda is climate change.


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