US president Donald Trump said the time has come to pursue trade negotiations with the European Union.

“Europe has been treating us very badly”, Trump said at a White House event with US state governors on 10 February. He added that the EU imposes incredible barriers to US goods: “They have barriers that are incredible. They’re ready for a deal”, he said.

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“The next thing could be Europe, where we talk to them very seriously”, Trump said. He recently reached trade deals with Canada, Mexico and Japan, and a Phase One deal with China.

Trump has imposed an increase in tariffs on EU goods amid disputes over steel imports or government subsidies for Airbus.

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EU Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen last month announced she was expecting to sign an agreement with a new approach “in a few weeks”. Trade Commissioner Phil Hogan also held meetings with US’ trade representative Robert Lighthizer.

Even though they agreed to reduce tariffs, the EU and the US still have not announced any details from their meetings.


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