Uzbekistan has increased exports via railway by 12% in the first quarter of this year, Umidilla Ibragimov, head of the Uzbekistan Temir Yullari company, told an online briefing.

In the first three months, 2.3 million tonnes of products were exported by rail, and the volume of imports grew by 5.6% compared to last year. By the end of the year, an increase of up to 13 million tonnes is expected.

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According to Ibragimov, currently 13 export-import corridors pass through the territory of Uzbekistan, through which goods are delivered to more than 20 ports around the world.

The total length of railways in Uzbekistan is 4,600 kilometres. According to Uzbekistan Temir Yollari, freight traffic exceeded 70 million tonnes in the first nine months of 2019.


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