Apostolic Round Table (ART),  is a project of Voice Of His Word Ministries under the Apostolic superintendence of Apostle Dr. Bolaji Akinyemi that was birthed by the mandate for a CHANGE OF ORDER, the vision for this has been championed in the last five (5) years.
Good governance is at the mercy of good leadership; not wishful thinking and prayers without corresponding action.
Since my encounter with the Lord on the 10th of January 2018, ART (Apostolic Round Table) Conferences have been held annually since January 2019.
The 10th day of January 2023 will mark five (5) years of that encounter and our Bold, Inspiring, and Dynamic step into the space to change the narrative.
Past conferences have been very informative and edifying; to God be all the Glory. We are set for ART 2023, tagged: ONE MAN.
Strategic Leadership is the focus of the conference; seeking to make available the roadmap to a new Nigeria through our platform without politicizing our dire need for that “ONE MAN”.
With the view to giving knowledge to the electorate and establishing value for their votes, and direction to all Presidential candidates.
Presidential candidates of leading political parties are expected, and our engagement with them shall be conversational, away from the debates and interviews that are heating up the polity.

Road Map To The New Nigeria

The future is a destination in demand of deliberate plot of route and means of movement to arrive there.
The new path to a new Nigeria we must corporately plot, means of movement we must agree upon, and design.
Then alone can a competent Driver be hired to take the wheel and drive us to a place we all know?
This duty falls on Retired Major General Pat Ekeh Ph.D. to perform on behalf of Nigerians in the context of our leaders’ needs as a nation.
He will give Candidates the People’s view of how a new nation can be built.
In the hope to activate the needed alliance for the post-election rebuilding of Nigeria between leadership and the people.
That is the fulcrum of conversations of ART 2023.
His Excellency, Paul Kagame, Executive President,
The Republic of Rwanda is expected.
His leadership has translated into developmental milestones for good governance experience for the people of Rwanda.
He is to us the ONE MAN who looks like “OUR MAN”. He will grace ART 2023: ONE MAN as the Special Guest of Honour to deliver the keynote; “The Rwandan Example for A New Nigeria”
Politics is structured to strategically divide, whence the purpose of the church is to unite.
The church has no life in politics, yet she is the shoulders upon which God’s plan for good governance is placed.
This predicament calls for caution and wisdom for us to play in the space.
Our focus at ART is to bring Apostolic re-ordering to governance in Nigeria through a deliberate and strategic political education of the Body of Christ towards a new political consciousness.
We aggregate Christians together to enumerate the indices of LAGOS i.e. Leaders After God’s Own Spirit and challenge them to make possible the emergence of such men and women in the public space. It is all objectives on Quality
Leadership for Good Governance.
ART 2023 is tagged: “ONE MAN”
ART will be hosting Church, Ministry, and Christian community leaders from across the country in the city of Lagos.
We will like to use this opportunity to appeal to Churches, faith-based organizations, and well-meaning Christians who are in a position to provide logistics support for accommodation and the feeding of delegates who are coming from all the 57 local government areas and local councils development areas of Lagos state.


1.  Road Map To A New Nigeria
2. Rwanda, Example of A New Nigeria
3. To The People; Not God, Belong The Choice In Any Democracy
4. Maximizing Our Diversity for Nation Building
Round Table Discussions will focus on; Insecurity: A Strategic Depopulation of Minority Groups? Which Way Forward.
Dear Patriots of the house of Nigeria, who are in hope for a better and greater country with us post-2023 election.
This is your opportunity to have your hands on ours to strengthen it on the plow for our common task; To Build Back our Nation, by coming out massively to participate in this conference.
Date: Tuesday, 10th January 2023.
Time: 9:00 am.
Venue: The Trinity House
Water Corporation Way, Victoria Island, Lagos.
Our Host is Pastor Ituah Ighodalo
Other Very Important Personalities are expected to grace our panel for the round table, they are:
1. Elder Stephen Bagoji
President Congress of Northern Nigeria Christian. Chairman Apostolic Round Table Conference 2023.
2. Dr. Bitrus Pogu,
President, Middle Belt Forum, Nigeria. Visioneer, 40 Million Ballot Movement.
3. Mr Awemi Dio Maisamari,
Southern Kaduna People’s Union (SOKAPU).
4. Arc SG Matankari,
State Chairman,
Congress of Northern Nigeria Christians (CNNC)
Sokoto State, Nigeria.
5. Mrs Melusa Dangoma,
Former Director,
Women Development, & Adviser to fmr Gov,
Gombe State, Nigeria.
Speaking at the event, Bishop Funsho Awe said we thank God for a time and a period like this.
The apostolic round is on 10th Jan 2023. It takes one man to bring success and problems making reference to China, Russia, and Adolf Hitler.
Nigeria’s one man is not about ethnicity or otherwise. The church must take a stand.
Elder Olusesan Adebayo noted that we must ensure that the person that will be in power must be the chosen one by God and not based on money.
Apostle Amanda Nwanchukwu encouraged everyone to be in the programme. She said the event will be an impactful one.
For more about us, or to register for participation visit www.artintl.org
For further details and clarifications, you may reach the undersigned.
Yours in the interest of Christ and His Church towards a better and greater Nigeria.
Apostle Amanda Nwachukwu
(ART Secretary & Conference Director,
GSM: +234 803 380 2449.


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