Boris Johnson is expected to unveil a coronavirus warning system when he outlines his plans to gradually ease the lockdown while dropping the “stay home” slogan.

The British Prime Minister will instead tell the country to “stay alert, control the virus and save lives” when he outlines his “road map” to a new normality during an address to the nation on Sunday.

Mr Johnson is planning to tell workers who cannot do their jobs from home to begin returning to their workplaces while following social-distancing rules.

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It is understood that a warning system administered by a new “joint biosecurity centre” will detect local increases in infection rates, with the view to locally alter restrictions in England.

With the alerts ranging from green in level one to red in level five, Mr Johnson is expected to say the nation is close to moving down from four to three.

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The British PM will chair a meeting of the emergency Cobra committee with Cabinet ministers, leaders of the devolved nations and London Mayor Sadiq Khan before his 7pm pre-recorded address.

On Monday, the UK government will publish a 50-page document outlining the full plan to cautiously re-start the economy to MPs.

The shift in messaging will come amid concerns that workers may not wish to resume their roles after the firm instructions to “stay at home, protect the NHS, save lives”.

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Later in the week, Mr Johnson will address the 1922 Committee of backbench Conservatives.


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