NUR-SULTAN, Kazakhstan – Kazakhstan’s Health Minister Alexei Tsoi does not exclude the possibility of extending the second quarantine after July 19.

“The assessment of the situation should be connected with the incubation period, that is, 14 days. Now we are already looking at some intermediate results, but we will see the real effect closer to the second week of the new quarantine, or immediately after. That is, when we conduct the assessment, by completion of quarantine, and then it will be clear whether it will last, or quarantine measures will be tightened,” Tsoi told a briefing on July 9.

Tsoi noted that the issue of quarantine extension is being solved jointly with scientists and foreign colleagues.

The quarantine restrictions in Kazakhstan were introduced from July 5 for two weeks. As of July 9, 53,021 cases of coronavirus infection were recorded in the country.

According to the press-service of health ministry, the epidemiological situation related to the coronavirus pandemic in Kazakhstan is under control. Kazakhstan’s government is taking all the necessary and timely measures to combat the epidemic.

But the press-service of ministry stressed, that there were some reports in foreign media noting that Kazakhstan is one of the countries with the fastest rate of the spread of COVID-19.  In addition, the publications mistakenly suggested that Kazakhstan is introducing a second strict lockdown, while in fact the country is implementing quarantine measures for two weeks.

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“Such reporting led to a certain misunderstanding of the situation in Kazakhstan and, as a result, to the exaggeration in the media of the epidemiological risks emanating from Kazakhstan,” the ministry argued. “Since the beginning of July, asymptomatic forms of COVID-19 in Kazakhstan have been added to the overall morbidity rate. As a result, the growth rate of the infection also increased significantly. It is well known that both forms of the disease – symptomatic and asymptomatic – pose a potential danger to the wider public. Before July, separate recording was carried out. It is clear that the change in the methodology of recording cases has led to cases, which were previously not taken into account, to be included in the national statistics. As a result, this led to a misinterpretation of the figures,” the ministry explained.

According to ministry, in June, the rate of the spread of the virus in Kazakhstan was 1.3. Over the last few weeks, this decreased to 1.05. In total, there are 11.5 million cases registered globally. The mortality rate is 4.6% (536,000 people). The incidence rate in the United States is 2.9 million people, in Russia it is over 681,000 people, while in Kazakhstan it is 48,800 people. The mortality rate in the U.S. is 4.4%, 1.5% in Russia, and 0.5% in Kazakhstan, the ministry said. According to the COVID-19 map of the Johns Hopkins University, Kazakhstan ranks 35th globally by confirmed cases, the health ministry said.

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“Kazakhstan is continuously conducting a mass testing programme.  In total, 1,631,817 COVID-19 laboratory tests have been conducted (8,746 per 100,000 people), with the following results: 48,874 tested positive, 1,582,943 tested negative.  According to, today Kazakhstan ranks 19th in the world in terms of population testing, 54th in terms of the number of positive cases per 1 million people and 113th in terms of mortality. The difference in these indicators shows the effectiveness of measures taken in the country.

These international statistics therefore demonstrate the continued moderate dynamics of the epidemiological situation in Kazakhstan,” the press-service resumed.

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The quarantine measures in Kazakhstan, which will last between 5-19 July, include a ban on holding mass gatherings, as well as family events and memorials. Beauty salons, hairdressers, gyms, fitness centers, pools, indoor markets, beaches, water parks, culture facilities, entertainment centers, religious facilities, cinemas, kindergartens, children health camps and other institutions will suspend their activities during this period.

At least 80% of employees of public institutions, offices, national companies and other organizations will continue working remotely.

The movement of people will be limited to groups of three or less. Medical centers, pharmacies, grocery stores, and open markets will continue operating during this period.

Open air restaurants, construction and industrial plants with a continuous production cycle, open air agricultural and construction works will continue to operate under enhanced sanitary and disinfection measures.

The auto service and appliance maintenance will also continue to operate.

International air traffic will continue without further expansion of the list of countries. At the same time, domestic air flights and trains will be limited. The interregional bus services and city buses are suspended for the period of the quarantine.


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