NUR-SULTAN, Kazakhstan – The situation on the coronavirus is changing in a positive direction in Kazakhstan and the country must prevent a new wave of COVID -19, Kazakhstan’s Prime Minister Askar Mamin said on August 4.

“In general, as we can see, the sanitary and epidemiological situation in the country is changing in a positive direction. The daily increase of cases of coronavirus infection does not exceed 1.2%. 69.4% of those is who have recovered so far, the rest are receiving the necessary treatment. The workload of hospitals decreased to 36%,”  the premier told a government meeting on August 4.

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World statistics show a new increase in the number of cases in 126 countries, he continued. “We must be ready for a possible new wave in the fall – to prevent it, we must comply with all the established requirements and implement a set of planned measures: the construction of hospitals and their provision with mechanical ventilation, oxygen concentrators, medicines and protective equipment,” Mamin stressed.

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Over the past day, 1,158 new coronavirus infections have been identified in Kazakhstan. Of these, 555 people are without clinical manifestations of COVID-19.

According to official data, for all the time in Kazakhstan, 93,820 infected with COVID-19 have been identified, 65,132 people have recovered, and 1,058 patients have died. Since August 1, 5,979 Kazakhs have been diagnosed with viral pneumonia in the country with a negative PCR test for coronavirus, of which 51 people have died.

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As previously reported, the quarantine was extended until August 19 in Kazakhstan. Quarantine has been reintroduced since early July following an outbreak of coronavirus-related pneumonia deaths.


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