Poland’s health minister Lukasz Szumowski announced his resignation Tuesday, as the country is tackling a rising number of coronavirus infections.

“I am not disappearing, I am not leaving, I will still work as an MP, I will stay in the public sphere and will carry out public functions”, Szumowski said.

This month, Poland has reported record-high numbers of coronavirus cases. The number of infections increased by 597 since Monday and reached 57,876, the health ministry said on Tuesday. Another 11 people have died, bringing the death toll to 1,896.

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Szumowski had been a minister since 2018, but he had been accused of corruption. In May, Polish media reported that the health ministry spent €1.1 million on face masks and surgical masks that were found not to meet safety standards. The contract was reportedly connected to a person who knew Szumowski’s brother.

It is not yet clear who will replace Szumowski.


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