Police in England have launched an investigation into an officer caught on camera threatening to fabricate an offence against a young man.

The police force has also apologised for the unnamed officer’s “completely unacceptable” language and behaviour, as shown in a video widely shared online.

A young man, believed to be from Lancashire, said he was out picking up a quad bike he had bought when he was pulled over by police on Friday afternoon.

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In the video, the driver is heard saying: “You’re harassing me, what for? I’ve done nothing wrong…”

While failing to keep a two-metre distance, the officer shouts at him: “Sit in your car and shut up.”

He adds: “I’ll lock you up… I’ll make something up… who are they going to believe, me or you?”

The following day, Lancashire Police apologised for the officer’s behaviour and announced they will be conducting an investigation.

Chief Constable Andy Rhodes said in the statement: “The footage shows language and behaviour from one officer which were completely unacceptable and for this I apologise without reservation.

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“We recognise the impact that this behaviour will have had, both on the young man concerned, and on the hard-earned trust and confidence of the wider public, particularly the comments about making offences up.

“It only takes one incident like this to undo the hard work of so many.”



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