Two men have been arrested after former England footballer Kieron Dyer was allegedly racially abused at a golf club.

On Saturday, Suffolk Police received a report of an incident involving racial abuse that had taken place on Friday July 24th at Hintlesham Golf Club near Ipswich.

Mr Dyer said he did not hear the abuse himself, but that a playing partner informed him of another club member using racial slurs against him, which included the words “monkey” and “banana”.

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He told the East Anglian Daily Times the racist remarks were made in the bar after he left on July 24th.

He said: “I was left shocked when told.”

He said he has resigned his membership at the club, adding: “For me this is a deeply upsetting incident.

“I was appalled to be told of what had been said and it is clear to me there is still a long way to go in the battle against racism.”

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Suffolk Police said a man in his 50s has been arrested on suspicion of a racially-aggravated public order offence and on suspicion of a malicious communications offence.

Another man in his 30s has also been arrested on suspicion of a malicious communications offence.


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